The Harkey Blog

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Amelia's Favorite Song

So, if you know Amelia, you know that she has just about the happiest disposition ever granted to a person. She is a ray of sunshine for sure. Sometimes a very loud ray, but a ray nonetheless.

Since Amelia is our third child, she doesn't get the over-attention that our first did. (You who are parents understand this phenomenon.) Well, I am sure that I taught Maitlyn many, many songs via individual instruction by the time she was 21 months old. I probably drilled her on them to be sure that she knew enough of them. Poor Amelia has just had to learn songs the hard way, by hearing them on CDs, by hearing her sisters sing them, etc. Well, this week, I did take the time to teach my little ray what I feel is her life song--If you're happy and you know it. It suits her well and she does the motions with gusto. Perhaps you could witness her in concert soon.


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