The Harkey Blog

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Some Favorite Picture Books

One of the most profound influences on our style and philosophy of education was my getting connected with a wonderful group of literature lovers in Northwest Arkansas. Each time I interacted with those ladies, I was introduced or re-introduced to classics. They lived their love for the classics by reading aloud to their children a minimum of two hours per day. I was inspired.

Recently, we began our study of 20th century world history. It's dark. That's all there is to it. (Daily I have to remind myself that God has a sovereign plan, and I cling to His hope.) Along with this study, our book selection has been on the somber side. To counteract that, I decided to bring back some of my favorite picture books and share them with the girls again. Some of them, Amelia is experiencing for the first time, even. This has been a delightful contrast to the hard truths of history.

Here are some of the picture books we have found to be real treasures (i.e. worth reading at any age).

A Hole is to Dig: A First Book of Definitions by Ruth Krauss
The Big Green Pocketbook by Candice Ransom
The Teddy Bear by David McPhail
The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats
Dogger by Shirley Hughes
The Carrot Seed by Ruth Krauss
Jesse Bear, What will you Wear? by Nancy White Carlstrom
Pete's a Pizza by William Steig (but you must act it out!)
The Little House by Virginia Lee Burton
A Bargain for Frances by Russell Hoban
Leo the Late Bloomer by Robert Kraus
The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones
The Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey by Susan Wojcichowski



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Friday, September 16, 2011


Today was a good, slow day. I relish days without rushing. Those days tend to be less productive in terms of sheer numbers of tasks completed. However, they are far more peaceful and usually more conducive to building and maintaining relationships.

I enjoyed a slow, relaxing morning with my girls. We took the entire morning to get ready and do our household chores. I spent some time in the Word and did a few computer tasks. We did a little work in our front flower bed just because we felt like it. We ate a simple lunch and ran (only) one errand via bicycle. We rode on a portion of the bike trail that the kids hadn't seen in several months. We noticed the the beginnings of fall color and the similarities between the Spring Creek Trail in Fort Collins and the Scull Creek Trail in Fayetteville.

After that we spent about an hour and a half exploring the CSU Trial Garden. The girls drew in their nature journals, examined flowers, watched bees, called to me, "Mom, come look!" No one was in a hurry. We didn't have to rush, and we didn't even finish looking at all the flowers. We just enjoyed the time that we had.

We rode home, and made a few preparations to host our guests this evening, ladies from our Township (church small group). The girls decided to make place cards for everyone. Amelia took her dolls for a walk in the backyard. I decided to make a salad to go with the pizza we ordered.

We ate dinner with new friends. We learned a bit more about them and enjoyed playing a couple of games together. The girls truly enjoyed their time with these ladies. I am blessed to see them appreciate relationships with people of all ages.

There was a lot of activity in our day, but it was unhurried and simple compared to most that we experience. I was better able to enjoy each event than I am on the days when I am trying to cram in as much as possible.

Not every day can be like today. But I am grateful for this one, every moment of it.

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Monday, September 12, 2011


My vocation is husband-lover, child-lover and home-worker. I am to fulfill that vocation while exhibiting self-control, staying pure, being kind and submitting to Brett. While that sounds old-fashioned to most, it's orthodox. It's the teaching of God's Word (See Titus 2). And so that God's word "may not be reviled", this is the vocation I have chosen.

This vocation is more than enough to challenge me. It's the most important calling to which I could devote myself. And as I become older and wiser, I hope to encourage other women to embrace this calling too, no matter how counter-cultural it seems.


  • Well, you encourage me! I feel like I have been such a grumpy mom lately. I love that you are blogging again. Reading your words spurs me on. LOVE YOU!

    By Blogger Chris and Carrie, at 7:51 AM  

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Sunday, September 11, 2011

Voluntary Simplicity

We choose simplicity. We do not sell possessions because we are desperate for money. We are not worried about money because God, our Provider, owns the cattle on a thousand hills. He is completely able to provide everything we need. A simple(r) life is what we desire, in dependence on God, laying up treasures in heaven. We deliberately discipline ourselves to limit what we buy, consume and own. This world is not our home, and we don't need to accumulate things as if it were.

Are we perfect? Do we live as radically as some? Do we have it all figured out? Absolutely not to all these inquiries. But this is what God has laid on our hearts, and we are growing and learning. How has God called you to steward His gifts to you? How has He led you in regards to earthly possessions?



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Thursday, September 01, 2011

Treasures and Trusting God

If you had told me a year ago that we would be raising support to cover our living and ministry expenses, I would have told you that you were crazy. This process is totally out of my comfort zone. But God has a way of working on our hearts, doesn't He? In my experience, He doesn't usually give us the whole challenge all at once. He gives us many opportunities for obedience as we grow to be more like Him.

Over the past few years, God has led me to part ways with many of my possessions. For one thing, doing so made sense in terms of moving. I didn't want to pack up stuff I didn't need or want. I didn't want to be burdened with excess stuff to organize and clean up each day either. Also, God was teaching me that possessions don't make me happy. In teaching me this, God also has been teaching me that I can live on less. I don't need new clothing to keep up with the latest styles. I don't need to shop or browse for new things to fill my home. In fact, if you do see me on a shopping trip, you'll notice me putting back at least half of the items I originally selected.

I am not saying this to brag. I am pointing out God's work in my life. I used to love shopping. When I was (much) younger, I prided myself on wearing a different outfit each school day during a 9 week period. Now you'll see me wearing the same few outfits over and over, and I am okay with that, most of the time. I don't need much in terms of clothing. What I don't spend on clothing can be spent on. . . .

Well, that's where it gets sticky. Right now, our income is very low because we're in the process of raising support. We haven't met our monthly support goal yet. (We're at about 8 percent.) Living on less helps that situation be a bit easier. But ultimately, my dream would be that living on less will enable us to give more, to be more generous. If I am not consuming so much buying gas, clothing and gadgets for my kitchen, what could I give? Whom could I support in ministry? I've already got a list, and it's growing.

I have been praying off and on that God will show me how I can be generous when I don't seem to have money to give. Since I have lived in Fort Collins, I have given food to beggars when I encounter them. We limit the amount of clothing our kids have/keep. They give away what they do not need, even new items. Sometimes we give our time, even when time seems like a precious resource. I prayed again today for God to show me how I can give when my income is limited. I want to be more generous.

Here are a few ways that others have been generous with us. We have received so much more than we have given.
  • Within 3 weeks of moving here, Maitlyn broke her arm. A Christian family we had just met gave us money toward part of her medical bill.
  • We loaned our car to a friend. It clearly needed new brakes. The friend returned the car to us along with a gift certificate to a local mechanic to get the brakes replaced.
  • One of our first monthly support commitments came from a family who is raising support themselves.
  • God, is his generosity, provided a home for us here in Ft. Collins which we rent very reasonably (less than the market rate, for sure). This home is twice the size of our home in Arkansas. We don't want to fill this home with more stuff. We pray that we can use this wonderful space for God's glory, hosting a Township in our home and showing hospitality in the name of Christ.
By letting go of things, I learned to demolish the idol of stuff. By taking a risk and moving to a new place, I learned to trust God for His provision. Now in raising support, I am getting to trust Him even more. In our home, it's truly a day by day thing. Give us this day our daily bread.

I want to lay up treasures in heaven. Even though I have learned much, I want God to show me ways I still worship the idol of stuff. I have a long way to go. God, help me to remember that this world is not my home and that I am only a steward of all the resources You provide. Change me for Your glory. Make me generous.


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